(712) 792-9460 carrolliaag@gmail.com

Wednesday Night Adult Class

Join Pastor Dave and Alicia Perry for their class on the life and mission of the  Apostle Paul.

Wednesday Night Adult Class

Join Pastor Dave and Alicia Perry for their class on the life and mission of the  Apostle Paul.

Wednesday Night Adult Class

Join Pastor Dave and Alicia Perry for their class on the life and mission of the  Apostle Paul.

Senior Lunch

Join Pastor Dave for lunch in the church gym.  Please bring your own lunch and chair.  

Election Day Prayer

Election Day Prayer - The sanctuary will be open from 7 AM to 9 PM on Tuesday, November 3rd for people to come in and pray for our country, its […]

Wednesday Night Kid Activities

Sparks (Pre K – 2nd grade) T & T (3rd – 5th grade) Youth Church (6th – 12th grade)