(712) 792-9460 carrolliaag@gmail.com

Wednesday Night Adult Class

A Study and Practice in Prayer Prayer topics include: Intercessory Healing Spiritual Warfare Contemplative and unceasing prayer  

Wednesday Night Kid Activities

Sparks (Pre K – 2nd grade) T & T (3rd – 5th grade) Youth Church (6th – 12th grade)

Ladies Christmas Sign Painting

Ladies Christmas Sign Painting will be on Sunday, November 22 at 5:30 PM at the church.  Orders are already placed for this session, but if you would still like to […]

Wednesday Night Adult Class

A Study and Practice in Prayer Prayer topics include: Intercessory Healing Spiritual Warfare Contemplative and unceasing prayer

Wednesday Night Kid Activities

Carroll First 18632 HWY 71, Carroll

Sparks (Pre K - 2nd grade) T & T (3rd - 5th grade) Youth Church (6-12 grade)

Wednesday Night Adult Class

A Study and Practice in Prayer Prayer topics include: Intercessory Healing Spiritual Warfare Contemplative and unceasing prayer

Wednesday Night Adult Class

A Study and Practice in Prayer Prayer topics include: Intercessory Healing Spiritual Warfare Contemplative and unceasing prayer